Didier Jans has been Secretary General of AIBI, the International Association of Industrial Bakers, since 2021. Based on a scientific education, he has built his career in the Brussels association sector. Thanks to more than 25 years in various sectors and positions, he is well acquainted with both the internal management of EU associations and the functioning of the Brussels regulatory and political ecosystem. Much of his work has been in the food and feed sector and he was one of the fathers of the feed additive safety certification system which is now widely used internationally. He was involved from the early stages of the "first EU food law revolution" that followed the dioxin crisis and saw a fundamental evolution in the structure and functioning of the EU food chain, through the White Paper on Food Safety and then the Food Law. He is now looking after the bakery sector, one of the largest food processing sectors and a fundamental pillar of everyone's diet. Bread is so fundamentally encrusted in everyone's mind that some evidence is overlooked, and he is working to restore that sense of confidence and importance in the minds of consumers, helping to give bread the place it should have. This converges with the ongoing transformation of the EU food system, its repositioning towards sustainability, and a switch to a more plant-based diet.

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