The 8th International Wholegrain Summit will be an interactive platform for exchange and discussion. Further information can be found under the menu item Scope and Programme. We will contact the speakers directly to present the topics and working groups on the first day.
In addition, poster presentations are very welcome and we invite you to submit your poster as soon as possible. We welcome posters from the entire spectrum of whole grain topics.
Some posters will be selected by a committee to give a short presentation on the last day of the conference and the individuals involved will be notified prior to the conference. Poster prizes are also planned.
Please make sure to book your hotel as soon as possible, as we can only hold a limited contingent due to a concurrent trade fair. More information here:
We warmly invite you to share your work and findings with the global community!
All submitted abstract shall be within the scope of the WGS25.
Therefore, all other topics with no whole grain relation will not be accepted!
Abstracts of posters (max2/expert) will be accepted.
Please be informed that following input will be mandatory:
-Abstract title - Maximum word limit is 16
-Presenting author - Name, email, institution and country
-Co-authors - Name, email, institutions and country
-Abstract text - Minimal word limit is 150, maximum 370
-Keywords - Maximum five
-References - Maximum five
For preparation of the final poster please mind:
• Posters shall be prepared as print in format A0 (portrait) und provided as print onsite at the venue.
• Additionaly send your final poster file as PDF to us by email (min. A3 - for inclusion in the event app),
• No specific requirements regarding poster layout, but the ICC logo shall not be used for this purpose,
• No print service can be offered on-site.
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