In bringing together key players and experts, the International Whole Grain Summit with the subtitle "Driving whole grain adoption throughout the food supply chain" aims to seek innovative ideas that translate the available scientific and technological knowledge into application, enabling and motivating an increase in the availability of affordable and appetizing whole grain products in a diversity of markets. As the only international conference on whole grains, and with its highly interactive, discussion-based format, this meeting allows ample opportunity for participants across sectors and nationalities to share ideas and best-practices while simultaneously creating a clear action plan to increase whole grain consumption and create lasting change in our food landscape.
The Whole Grain Definitions working group
Succeeded in developing and publishing consensus definitions of whole grain ingredients and whole grain foods with input from 45 experts representing 19 countries. Further they pursued adoption of these standards by ISO with plans to approach CODEX adoption next.
The Health Economics working group
Published four economic studies (one, two, three, & four) evaluating the healthcare cost savings impact of increasing whole grain intake. The results of savings in healthcare cost savings were similar and significant for US, Australia, and Finland for the chronic diseases studied.
The Communications and Partnership working group
Secured recognition for International Whole Grain Day and hosted its sixth annual campaign in November 2024, with events held at the EU Parliament and in Australia, and with promotional campaigns carried out across European and American markets.
The Food Policy working group
Pursued persistent science-based advocacy work in whole grain labeling and regulations. Created a Whole Grain Fact Sheet which highlights the latest research on whole grains and health.
The Whole Grain Intake Recommendations working group
Progressed toward the completion of a substantial literature review and meta-analysis project and is working to establish the scientific evidence for a quantitative intake recommendation that maximizes the positive health outcomes achievable with increased whole grain intake.
The Asia-Pacific working group
Just got its start this year and is already engaged in creating an Asia-focused strategy for increasing whole grain intake. They will be looking to increase consumer education and awareness and encourage greater availability of whole grain food choices
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