Caroline Sluyter - Oldways Whole Grains Council, US (Scientific Chair)
Bertrand Matthäus - Max Rubner Institut, DE, ICC President (Co-Chair)
Konstantin Golombek - AGF, Detmold, DE (Co-Chair)
Jan de Vries – Nutrition Solutions & Healthgrain Forum, NL (world café)

Sub-committee: Ingredient and Food Processing
Chair Science: Dhan Bhandari 
- AHDB, UK, ICC President Elect
Chair Industry / Association / Manifacturer: Mikkel Andersen - Lantmännen Unibake, DK
Bernard Bonjean - Puratos, BE
Michelle Tucker - General Mills, US
Christophe Courtin - KU Leuven, BE
Luc Saulnier - French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), FR
Valentina Narducci - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA), IT, ICC Technical Director
Bertrand Matthäus - Max Rubner Institut, DE, ICC President (Co-Chair)
John R. N. Taylor - University of Pretoria, ZA
Sub-committee: Distribution and sales of Whole Grain Foods to consumers
Chair Science: Caroline Sluyter - Oldways Whole Grains Council, US (Scientific Chair)
Chair Industry / Association / Manifacturer: David Kamau - Fortified Whole Grain Alliance, KE
Konstantin Golombek - AGF, Detmold, DE (Co-Chair)
Sara Grafenauer - UNSW Sydney, Faculty of Medicine & Health, AU
Rebekah Schulz - University of Minnesota, US
Rachel Hsu - China Grain Products R&D Institute, TW
Alfred Mar – ICC Austria
YiFang Chu - PepsiCo Inc.
Sub-committee: Influencing consumer behavior
Chair Science: Eleanor Beck - UNSW Sydney, Faculty of Medicine & Health, AU
Chair Industry / Association / Manifacturer: Alexandra Meynier - Mondelez, FR
Rikard Landberg - Chalmers University of Technology, SE
Kathy La Macchia - Grains and Legumes Council, AU
Kristof Brijs - KU Leuven & Healthgrain Forum, BE
Jan-Willem van der Kamp - Whole Grain Initiative (WGI), NL
Elissa Price - UNSW Sydney, Faculty of Medicine & Health, AU
Len Marquart - University of Minnesota, US


Veronika Haslinger - ICC, AT (Chair, World Cafè)
Melanie Wendt, AGF Detmold, DE
Jörn Weiler, AGF Detmold, DE
Louisa Nagel, AGF Detmold, DE
Sabine Gratzer, ICC, AT
Surya Beil, ICC, AT
Elena Marek, ICC, AT

International Association for Cereal Science and Technology
Stubenring 12, 1010 Vienna, Austria
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