Sub-committee: Ingredient and Food Processing
Chair Science: Dhan Bhandari 
- AHDB, UK, ICC President Elect
Chair Industry / Association / Manifacturer: Mikkel Andersen - Lantmännen Unibake, DK
Bernard Bonjean - Puratos, BE
Michelle Tucker - General Mills, US
Christophe Courtin - KU Leuven, BE
Luc Saulnier - French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), FR
Valentina Narducci - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA), IT, ICC Technical Director
Bertrand Matthäus - Max Rubner Institut, DE, ICC President (Co-Chair)
John R. N. Taylor - University of Pretoria, ZA
Sub-committee: Distribution and sales of Whole Grain Foods to consumers
Chair Science: Caroline Sluyter - Oldways Whole Grains Council, US (Scientific Chair)
Chair Industry / Association / Manifacturer: David Kamau - Fortified Whole Grain Alliance, KE
Konstantin Golombek - AGF, Detmold, DE (Co-Chair)
Sara Grafenauer - UNSW Sydney, Faculty of Medicine & Health, AU
Rebekah Schulz - University of Minnesota, US
Rachel Hsu - China Grain Products R&D Institute, TW
Alfred Mar – ICC Austria
YiFang Chu - PepsiCo Inc.
Sub-committee: Influencing consumer behavior
Chair Science: Eleanor Beck - UNSW Sydney, Faculty of Medicine & Health, AU
Chair Industry / Association / Manifacturer: Alexandra Meynier - Mondelez, FR
Rikard Landberg - Chalmers University of Technology, SE
Kathy La Macchia - Grains and Legumes Council, AU
Kristof Brijs - KU Leuven & Healthgrain Forum, BE
Jan-Willem van der Kamp - Whole Grain Initiative (WGI), NL
Elissa Price - UNSW Sydney, Faculty of Medicine & Health, AU
Len Marquart - University of Minnesota, US

Core-committee: Caroline Sluyter - Oldways Whole Grains Council, US (Scientific Chair); Dhan Bhandari - AHDB, UK, ICC President Elect; Mikkel Andersen - Lantmännen Unibake, DK; David Kamau - Fortified Whole Grain Alliance, KE; Eleanor Beck - UNSW Sydney, Faculty of Medicine & Health, AU; Alexandra Meynier - Mondelez, FR; Jan de Vries – Nutrition Solutions & Healthgrain Forum, NL (World Café); Veronika Haslinger - ICC, AT


Veronika Haslinger - ICC, AT (Chair, Workshop)
Konstantin Golombek - AGF Detmold, DE
Melanie Wendt - AGF Detmold, DE
Jörn Weiler - 
AGF Detmold, DE
Louisa Nagel - AGF Detmold, DE
Sabine Gratzer - ICC, AT
Surya Beil - ICC, AT
Elena Marek - ICC, AT

International Association for Cereal Science and Technology
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