Alfred MAR, * 1950, Vienna, Austria         

Education: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, 10/1969 - 11/1975, M.Sc. / Engi­neer's degree in food & biotechnology (Dipl.Ing.)

Present position: Chair of the Codex Alimentarius Austriacus-expert-commission for milling-, bakery- and pasta-products in the Federal Ministry for Health; National Delegate of ICC-Austria in ICC-International; ICC-Auditor; Fellow of the ICC-Academy; Consultant and trainer for the branches of cereal mills, bakeries and confectionaries; Lecturer in the AGES Academy for the training of food-inspectors.

Professional experience: 23 years working experience in bakery, milling and feed industries; positions as product development manager, production manager, sales manager, general manager (CEO); Quality Management Qualification of SLG, Sweden; Quality Management trainer, consultant and auditor; experience in industry and research laboratory QM-systems; from 2001 to 2015 manager and headmaster (Principal Professor) of the Higher Technical College for Food, Cereal & Biotechnology and Master School for Millers, Bakers and Confectioners, Wels/Upper Austria; from 2001 to 2004 consultant in international projects of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development.

1990 – 2023 Lecturer for Cereal and Baking Technology and 2020 – 2023 member in an academic research-team (“Klimatech” – drought-resistant alternative grains) on the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna; 2009 - 2024 President of the International Association for Cereal Sciences and Technology (ICC) – country member Austria.

Membership of professional bodies: Honorary Member of the Austrian Nutrition Society, Member of the Austrian Food and Biotechnologist´s Association, Member of the board of the Association of the Baking Branche Austria.

Publications: Schoolbook of Bakery, Trauner Edition, Linz/Austria, 2007 and Bakery and Confectionary 2019; Schoolbook of Science, field biotechnology, Trauner Edition, Linz/Austria, 2013; Schoolbook for Bread experts training, Trauner Edition, Linz/Austria, 2014; Schoolbook of Nutrition Science, Trauner Edition, Linz/Austria, 2019.  Several publications in the field of sour-dough and baking technology and related food-law, since 2019 focus on impact of climate change on cereal science and technology and impact of fertilisation in grain cultivation on climate.