Alfred MAR, * 1950, Vienna, Austria         

Education: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, 10/1969 - 11/1975, M.Sc. / Engi­neer's degree in food & biotechnology (Dipl.Ing.)

Present position: Chair of the Codex Alimentarius Austriacus-expert-commission for milling-, bakery- and pasta-products in the Federal Ministry for Health; National Delegate of ICC-Austria in ICC-International; ICC-Auditor; Fellow of the ICC-Academy; Consultant and trainer for the branches of cereal mills, bakeries and confectionaries; Lecturer in the AGES Academy for the training of food-inspectors.

Professional experience: 23 years working experience in bakery, milling and feed industries; positions as product development manager, production manager, sales manager, general manager (CEO); Quality Management Qualification of SLG, Sweden; Quality Management trainer, consultant and auditor; experience in industry and research laboratory QM-systems; from 2001 to 2015 manager and headmaster (Principal Professor) of the Higher Technical College for Food, Cereal & Biotechnology and Master School for Millers, Bakers and Confectioners, Wels/Upper Austria; from 2001 to 2004 consultant in international projects of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development.

1990 – 2023 Lecturer for Cereal and Baking Technology and 2020 – 2023 member in an academic research-team (“Klimatech” – drought-resistant alternative grains) on the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna; 2009 - 2024 President of the International Association for Cereal Sciences and Technology (ICC) – country member Austria.

Membership of professional bodies: Honorary Member of the Austrian Nutrition Society, Member of the Austrian Food and Biotechnologist´s Association, Member of the board of the Association of the Baking Branche Austria.

Publications: Schoolbook of Bakery, Trauner Edition, Linz/Austria, 2007 and Bakery and Confectionary 2019; Schoolbook of Science, field biotechnology, Trauner Edition, Linz/Austria, 2013; Schoolbook for Bread experts training, Trauner Edition, Linz/Austria, 2014; Schoolbook of Nutrition Science, Trauner Edition, Linz/Austria, 2019.  Several publications in the field of sour-dough and baking technology and related food-law, since 2019 focus on impact of climate change on cereal science and technology and impact of fertilisation in grain cultivation on climate.

International Association for Cereal Science and Technology
Stubenring 12, 1010 Vienna, Austria
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